Thursday, October 22, 2020

Arrogant Young Males

 Young arrogant males do grow older but they never seem to grow wise
They may think they are quite clever but little do they realize
That from life they have much to learn but having this said we do all
But with an air of superiority about them in their thinking they seem rather small
Young arrogant males self deluded since they do truly believe
That they are a gift to women in this themselves they only deceive
Since many women do not like their sort arrogant males for them not a turn on
But it can be said of the male kind the days of the humble long gone
Arrogant young males in the many and those of big egos not rare
That they are not as great as they think they are they do not seem to be aware
And most of them as they age do not grow wiser this is how it seems to be
And the arrogant are not in a minority in the twenty first century
And as for the young down to earth males their female admirers are not in the few
Many young women do seem to like them and this is not saying what is new.

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