Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Ordinary People

Ordinary people i meet every day
Just like me quite ordinary in many a way
But most of them do not see themselves as ordinary
In that respect so very different to me

Ordinary people never instigate change
Any new ways of thinking to them rather strange
Their old ways and old thinking they feel proud to retain
Things as they are they just wish to remain

Many ordinary people does glorify war
And celebrate those who die in conflicts from their homeland afar
Yet they angrily condemn crimes of  violence and hate
And the terrorists that every war does create

Most of our political leaders seem ordinary indeed
And of more of their sort the World is not in need
As they are they only wish things  to stay
And they never disagree on a huge rise in their pay

The wealthy and influential celebrities the ordinary admire
And of singing their praises never seem to tire
And on so doing they promote the social divide
That in their own ways the ordinary can be influential cannot be denied

Ordinary people i meet every day
Just like me so ordinary in many a way
But even the ordinary on all things do not agree
This is how people are and how they always will be

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