Friday, November 30, 2018

Not All Old Men

Not all olld men does feel that they are old
But that they are sexy and muscular and handsome to behold
Delusional in their thinking of them it can be said
That their thoughts of self importance is all in the head

They wear hair pieces to hide their baldness and use hair dyes to cover their gray
And anti ageing creams to smooth their time wrinkles away
Though youth with anyone does refuse for to stay
And no fool like an old fool as the wise one does say

Not all old men feel that their better days are in the past
And that the clocks on their lives are ticking too fast
Quite bored of their ageing partners or wives
Always on the lookout for younger lovers in their lives

Not all men many decades beyond their physical prime
Surrender in humility to the ravages of time
In their minds they remain young and dashing and bold
They do not grow wiser they only grow old.

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