Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Warm February Day In The Moyne Shire

 The weather temperature is close to forty degrees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze
That blow up the hill from the nearby bay
On what is for the Moyne Shire a warm February day
The magpies are warbling on the sunlit trees
And the warm air is full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees
The cattle chewing their cuds in the shade of the trees lay
In very warm weather out of the full sun they do like to stay
White butterflies seemingly dancing in the sky
And in pursuit of flying insects chirping as they fly
Above the paddocks with the sun on their dark wings chasing bees and flies
Welcome swallows fly all day long to sundown from sunrise
For the coastal Moyne Shire a very warm February day
But by the weather forecast some cool days on the way.

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