Friday, March 19, 2021

It Is Not Hard To Tell

 In the company always advertising for new staff it is not hard to tell
That the management do not pay or treat their employees well
For in a time of high unemployment for workers they should not have to advertize
That workers do not leave jobs they are happy in should not be hard to realize
Most workers leave jobs due to a lack of respect for them by their bosses or insufficent pay
In jobs where they are respected and well paid most employees do stay
For employers who treat their staff badly workers are hard to be found
Of bad employers among the unemployed the word does get around
And no shortage of bad employers in the World of today
They do not respect their employees or pay them award wages which seems sad to say
They only seem interested in their own gain
And the reason they have become very wealthy it's own self does explain
In the employers always advertising for new staff a lesson it does seem
That they do not hold their workers in high esteem.

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