Monday, March 29, 2021

Their Names Do Live

 Their names do live as Irish literary greats
Joyce and Beckett and Heaney and Yeats
In the literary World they remain leading lights
But reading them will not have you laughing all night

Surely great writers in case you get me wrong
And among the World's best they surely belong
But lacking in the humor of Ireland's wronged literary child
The brilliant and sharp witted one known as Wilde

And as for Mangan the author of Dark Rosaleen
Far tougher days than most in life he had seen
In post famine days of malnutrition and consumption he died
A great Irish poet who is not recognized Worldwide

Some of James Stephens poems in you will raise a smile
To read some of his writing may be worth one's while
To him he did have quite a humorous side
Yet his writing never inspires in Irish literary critics a sense of pride

Kavanagh and Gogarty two who come to mind
One could not say of them that they were of a kind
That they did not like each other only true to say
But politics in this did have some part to play

Of more Irish writers one could talk about
But in a short rhyme some names have to be left out
Mine is just one opinion which to little amount
And i am not one whose literary criticisms are taken into account.

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