Monday, March 22, 2021


 Hares unlike rabbits when pursued do not go to ground
And in large numbers they are not known to abound
The female gives birth to a few young that she hides separately in long grass
That you may not even notice though near to them you may pass
Out of the brightness of the daylight
Unseen the mother she comes for them to suckle from her at night
Unlike rabbits from predators hares to survive rely on their speed
And dodging ability to help them survive in their time of need
For most predators hares are too skilful and speedy to kill
And they do not tire easily even when running uphill
Far easier prey than hares for to catch for to eat
Only the oldest and frailest become predator meat
Hares unlike their cousins rabbits one does not see every day
Out of sight in long grass they keep hidden away.

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