Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Tower Hill

 The grey kangaroos at Tower Hill in the high scrub rest for most of the day
Though some of them do graze near cover and on seeing you quickly bound away
Of human beings wild roos are wary and quickly hop out of sight
Though they are sometimes seen in the daytime they are mostly creatures of the night
In Tower Hill as well as roos much native wildlife emus, koalas, echidnas and black wallabies
And at dusk the brushtail and ringtail possums one hear calling on the trees
Once home to Tower Hill's first people who were known as the Peek Wurrong
They did lose out to colonizers but their spirits in Tower Hill belong
In Tower Hill one can see white long billed corellas and the big dark brown parrots nicknamed weerloos
From their call though they are known to most people as yellow tailed black cockatoos
In the big lakes in the volcanic valley many species of water birds in large numbers abound
Tower Hill to the Peek Wurrong people for centuries was sacred ground
Tower Hill that has many visitors in the coastal lands near Koroit Town
For it's many species of native wildlife it has a widespread renown.

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