Monday, March 1, 2021

What The Tiny Voice Said

 I did give some thought on giving rhyming away
But a tiny voice in me in a whisper did say
Your best days in life may be in the long gone
But why give up on what you love doing just keep rhyming on
You were born into life to be a rhymer this is what you are meant to do
And though there are many far better rhymers than you
Just carry on doing what you enjoy doing most of all
Though your name will never appear in a memorial wall
Just keep the rhymes flowing though you are in your life's Fall
For this is your life's calling so keep on answering the call
In rhyming for you no financial gain
But for as long as the urge to rhyme in you remain
Just carry on rhyming you will be forever dead
This is what the tiny voice in me in a whisper said.

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