Friday, June 14, 2019

Mushera Today

The weather slightly chilly and windy and behind clouds of gray
The sun at times from sight is hidden away
Which is not unusual for the southern May
But the birds they are singing in Mushera today

Far north by sky of this far southern shore
In the high woodland of Musheramore
The sun it is shining and the nesting birds sing
Near the birth of June in the last days of Spring

The song of the migratory cuckoo so pleasant to hear
In Mushera on what is quite a nice time of year
And above the high fields chasing flying insects in the sky
The dark barn swallows does chirp chirp as they fly

The songs of the finches carrying in the breeze
The cooing of the wood pigeons on the pine trees
The dark faced ewes graze on the foothills whilst their dark faced lambs romp and play
Such beautiful memories a life time to stay

In this far southern place in the last days of the Fall
The weather it is not too bad overall
But far north of here the sun shining warm in a sky blue and gray
And the birds they are singing in Mushera today.

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