Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Wrinkly one of the wealthiest men in the town
Always has the look on his of one financially down
With a beautiful looking wife and a university going daughter and son
He does not have the facial appearance of a lucky in life one

The nickname of Wrinkly with him not out of place
Since for one in his mid forties he has a wrinkly face
And in his light brown hair are some traces of gray
At least he is ageing in a natural way

He is rather honest and quite free of guile
But he is one who does find it quite hard to smile
Though he is one who should have much to smile about
In that he is one of the town's wealthies people there can be little doubt

Quite a sad looking fellow with little to say
Though he is not conceited in any sort of a way
He is so very different to his talkative wife
Gregarious and friendly and so full of life

Sometimes in the public park off of hight street
Walking his labradoodle him i do meet
Without ever smiling in passing he says good day
The sad look on his face his lifetime with him will stay.

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