Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Moment In Time

The skylark a musical speck in the blue and sunny sky
Did sing ever sweetly as upwards he did fly
A beautiful afternoon on Summer's prime
This is going back the decades and many Seasons in time

Memories of your rare beauty are with me today
And for as long as i will live with me will stay
The black faced horned ewes to their lambs they were bleating nearby
When we plucked whortleberries from the heather on Clara in July

You with your sloe blue eyes and shoulder length wavy hair of brown
The fairest young beauty in old Millstreet Town
Five years older than i was you were then nineteen
To the ways of love then i was rather green

Of the crush i had on you then of you were not to know
Things of such beauty into good memories do grow
The yearn for the wander took you from Millstreet
And the green countryside where the waterways meet

A beautiful memory from a day long gone
Near six decades of years in me have lived on
A moment in time that for me has stood still
Eating whortleberries with you on the slopes of Clara's Hill.

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