Monday, August 26, 2019

How Marvellous You Are

You have told me so often of how marvellous you are
And of on the ladder of success of how you have climbed far
But self praise is no praise as the wise one does say
A saying of the past that is relevant today

Self promotion nowadays it does seem an in thing
And so many their own praises only willing to sing
People like you nowadays not of the few
And this is not saying anything that is new

People like you when the big egos meet
For attention with each other like to compete
The stories of their successes with others they love to share
The humble and quiet achievers are becoming more rare

I am just one of many you wish to impress
With your stories of self and your recent success
But in this age of self promotion there are many like you
Who believe that the World without them could not do.

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