Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Hares One Can Only Admire

To escape from predators such as foxes they use their dodging skills and speed
Hares they are Nature's survivors indeed
As species of lagomorphs the term of rare to them does apply
Unlike their cousin rabbits they are slow to multiply
That hares have been treated cruelly by humans in the name of sport is not a lie
Killed by greyhounds in coursing meetings a painful way to die
The painful cry of a hare being savaged by dogs is not pleasant to hear
That us humans can be quite cruel is obviously clear
A hare for a fox is the hardest to kill
As to avoid death they use their speed and their dodging skill
Unlike rabbits for safety they cannot go to ground
Though they often do outrun a fox or a hound
They can run for long distances without seeming to tire
Hares are creatures that one can only admire.

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