Wednesday, August 7, 2019

One Can Only Admire Those

One can only admire those who do not envy others for their material gain
And of their own lot in life never do complain
Though they have their worries as most do of their own
For to grumble about them they are not known

They never look up to anyone or on anyone never look down
There ought to be more like them in every town
They live in their own way and do their own thing
And of their own praises or the praises of others they never do sing

They possess the human qualities not hard to admire
For wealth and fame in them there is no desire
You never hear them talk of good or bad times gone
In life they are content just to keep living on

One can only admire those who live in their own way
Who mind games with others never does play
They are a rare breed them you never will meet
Where those for attention with each other compete.

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