Tuesday, August 27, 2019

This Writing Of Rhyme

Few rhymers in life do know of wealth and fame
This writing of rhyme can be a hungry belly game
It is much the same for every rhyming buff
Few interested enough to read their written stuff

It is not saying anything in any way that is new
That rhymers in the World of today are not few
There are plenty of them in every village and city and town
Who will never achieve their dreams of literary renown

Since they have the modern poets for to celebrate
Rhymers as writers they do not even rate
In the twenty first century non rhyming poetry is a literary in thing
The praises of the blank verse poets the literary critics do sing

Rhyme did have it's glory days in the past
But like most things in life it's glory years did not last
And though no shortage of rhymers in the World of today
Few of them for their rhymes ever receive any pay.

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