Thursday, December 12, 2019

Karma For A Fox

The fox who killed three of Mrs Roe's fat geese is dead
Gunned down by a hunter he died with a bullet in his head
At news of the shooting Mrs Roe shouted hooray
It did bring a whole pile of joy to her day

She said for his crimes with his life he did pay
What goes around comes around Karma works in this way
And Karma for humans is for foxes too
The fox he did pay for the bad things he did do

On the man who klilled the fox Karma too does await
Whether it be good or bad death too will be his fate
On killing the geese he eat the fox did not feel any sense of wrong
And did the right to kill him to the hunter belong?

Is the death of her geese for Mrs Roe to Karma to pay just a small price
Since to some of her neighbours she has not been nice
In the neighbourhood by so few her praises are sung
She has done a lot of damage with her tongue

The fox's descendants too must kill to eat
And a fat goose to their sort is a tasty treat
The fox as a predator to live has to kill
Though humans on their sort do only wish ill

Eventually each human as well as every other life form has to die
And Karma though real to some does seem a lie
And what was for the fox will be for the hunter and Mrs Roe
That life works in this way happens to be so.

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