Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Warm February Day In The Moyne Shire

The day it is warm close to thirty degrees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze
In the mostly blue sky just a few clouds of grey
For the coastal Moyne Shire it is a warm February day
For many in parts of Australia this has been a tough year
Storiess of big fires we read of and hear
Forest and hundreds of kilometres of countryside have been burned black
Nature one can say is on the attack
It has been estimated that billions of insects and birds and animals in the big flames have died
And people have lost their lives and homes burned to ashes and dreams have been destroyed
But the Moyne Shire is lucky on the fires it has missed out
Though smoke from the flames in the wind has drifted south
The magpies are warbling on the sunlit trees
And the warm air is full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees.

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