Monday, February 3, 2020

Strangers To Literary Renown

By literary critics not considered as the poetesses and poets of our time
But rhymers they never do run out of rhyme
With rhyming words they just love for to play
Addicted to rhyming words they do just love for to play
They are the writers literary critics ignore
But of rhymers in the World there has never been more
There are many rhymers in every town
The writers who are strangers to literary renown
That there was a time that rhymers were popular happens to be so
But on going back the Seasons this was long ago
By the majority of lovers of poetry it seems true to say
The writers of blank verse are considered as the poets of today
And rhymers are dismissed as relicts of the literary past
But then so few things in time ever does seem to last.

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