Thursday, July 15, 2021

His Grand-dad Was A Blueshirt

He talked of  his grand-dad who was a Blueshirt in the Ireland of the nineteen thirties a long time ago
In post civil war years and the enemies back then are no longer the foe
In the nineteen eighties he spent three weeks with him an ageing widowed man
An octogenarian then in time going back quite a span

Since his time as  a Blueshirt of life he had learned quite a lot
But the post civil war hostilities he had not forgot
He told him for the anti government rebellion the blueshirts were only partly to blame
That the supporters of the Government of the day to the hostilities also added fuel to the flame

The Blueshirts were led by Eoin O' Duffy a former Sinn Fein T D and Garda Commissioner sacked by the then Taoiseach De Valera  a man who had a grudge
Against the leader of the Country who had set himself up as his judge
Until the Blueshirts were finally disbanded and O' Duffy took some of his followers with him to fight with Franco in Spain
As Ireland's first fascist leader the long deceased and legendary O' Duffy the title does retain

From his grand- dad he learned a lot about the history of Ireland's past
And the post civil war hostilities that over time did not last
He told his visting Australian grandson things in life just happen this way
The past is in history and the now is today

As he talked of his visit to Ireland he looked a bit sad
Reliving the happy few eeks he spent with his wise old grand-dad
A Blueshirt under Monaghan's Eoin O' Duffy a fascist and one of Ireland's legenday men
And in Ireland a lot of things have changed since then.

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