Tuesday, January 11, 2022

On Egotistical People

If you wish to meet egotistical people from where you live you need not travel that far 
On the street in distance not a long walk for you no shortage of them in the local public bar
Every day you do meet a few of them on the street as you walk up and down
Egotistical people not among the endangered plenty of them in every city and town
Into promotion of self in quite a big way their own praises they do love for to sing
Every day for themselves seeking new admirers promotion of the self in life is their thing
Every day their sort in numbers increasing egotistical people on the increase Worldwide
On public broadcasting of their recent successes they seem enamoured in their sense of pride
People like them to me not interesting their sort do never bring joy to my day
Self praise is no praise remains a truism for them i would never join in the hooray
Sad to think that the humble are endangered Worldwide nowadays their numbers are few
The World of their sort in need of far more this is not saying anything that is new
Sadly no shortage of egotistical people those who for admirers with each other compete
Every day sad to say i do meet many of the sort of people i would rather not meet.

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