Saturday, January 15, 2022

Survival Of The Fittest

In Nature the biggest and strongest males win the right to mate it works on this way
Survival of the fittest as some like to say
The weak does lose out for the strongest to thrive
And only the fittest in Nature does survive
But even the fittest and the strongest are losing out to Climate Change
Many species that were quite common in their range
Nowadays sad to say are known to be rare
That wildlife numbers are on the decrease Nature lovers are aware
Due to human induced Global Warming and destruction of their habitat by greedy humans Nature's creatures are losing out
That so called human progress comes at a cost there can be little doubt
Only the fittest and strongest in the wild state of survival stand any hope
In Climate Change and the destruction of their habitat the weak are struggling to cope
More so now than ever survival of the fittest as a truism remain
The meaning in this it's own self does explain.

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