Sunday, October 24, 2021

I Have Seen Ageing Migrants

I have seen ageing migrants their eyes moistened with tears
As they talked of their boyhoods in the long gone years 
And their friends of their younger years in towns far away
Who like them would be showing their years today

It was mostly their yearn for adventure caused them to migrate
Nostalgia in some of them does not have a use by date
Yet one wonders why they ever did leave their first homeplace
Since as migrants they only socialize with their own race

The praises of multiculturalism many may sing
But at times i find it to be a perplexing thing
Since many of us migrants to our own races can only relate
And with people of other races seldom associate

In them their feelings of nostalgia they cannot disguise
At an old favourite song from their homeland tears come to their eyes
Yet as migrants they will live their last night and day
And far from their hometowns their remains will lay.

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