Saturday, October 2, 2021


An old saying that has lived through the decades of time
That anyone that can write if they wish to can write rhyme
Though not everyone on this would choose to agree
It depends on who you ask is how it seems to be
Most rhymers in rhyming words do love to play
And that rhyme too has it's standards does seem true to say
Though most twenty first century literary critics who for their literary opinions are paid rather well
As unworthy of their crioticisms dismiss all rhyme as doggerel
But some will tell you that rhyme is far from dead
And it will make a literary comeback in the years ahead
Though long gone are the days of the rhyming poet
Rhymers nowadays are not seen as worthy of any literary note
And though most rhymers never daydream of literary renown
There are rhymers in every village and city and town.

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