Friday, April 24, 2020

For Our Abuse Of Mother Earth

The trees of Nambucca Forest for industrial purposes cut down and trucked away
But for our abuse of Mother Earth always some price to pay
Such practices adds to Global Warming that to climate Change gives rise
Us humans who in our greed  for wealth strip Mother Earth of her beauty are not being very wise
Old growth trees that had served Nature's creatures well to the loggers chain saws fall
For building pollution creating factories makes little sense at all
For to create jobs for people there must be another way
Than felling old growth forest trees for people to work for pay
Every day more trees are being felled  and more of Nature's creatures being pushed to extinction brink
On our treatment of Mother Earth who feeds us all to a new low we does sink
In a Human World where for the greedy wealthy minority
Billions of people Worldwide live in extreme poverty
Every day they must grow poorer for the few wealthy to gain
That they do not share in the profits of Mother Earth's stolen beauty seems beyond one to explain.

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