Sunday, April 19, 2020

Young Willie

It was said of young Willie he is destined to fail
That he was one who would end his life in jail
Though raised well by his parents Jenny and Stan
It did not seem that he would develop into a law abiding man

His only sibling his older brother Tim
A law abiding young man quite different to him
Willie in his teen years kept bad company
And he was not a credit to his good family

In his late teens he served six months of prison time
For car stealing not the most serious crime
But where there is a will there is always a way
He is not the wild man he used to be today

The will to reform in Willie was strong
And he was one to prove his doubters wrong
He will never spend time in a prison again
The turn around in his life seems hard to explain

In his late twenties he owns his own business and has a young daughter and wife
He is one who has made a success of his life
For how he has reformed credit to him is due
To the respect of self and others he is one who lives true

As a teenaager he did spend six months in jail
And the judgmental dismissed him as one who would fail
But where there is a will there is always a way
And he lives as a successful young man today.

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