Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Last Of The Yangery Tribe

 In Yangery in unmarked graves from view well hidden away
The bones of the last of the tribe known as Yangery lay
Under land grazed by cattle and sheep and used for growing of potatoes at rest forever more
In distance not far from the southern shore

Going back in time perhaps three centuries
It is said the Yangery tribe befriended shipwrecked Portugese
And some Yangery women gave birth to their children a legend that today is told
And legend does live on whilst stories grow old 

At the arrival of the European colonizers  a few centuries ago
As the history of the coastal south west has it so
Hunted from their lands abused and oppressed
The Yangery people became the dispossessed

Sadly in human history some have to lose out for others to gain
A Townland named in their honour the only memory of the Yangery that remain
That they are an extinct tribe of them this is known
Ancestral crimes of the past few do wish to own

The first people of their part of the south west coastal countryside
The dark earth the bones of the last of the Yangery tribe hide
And extinction is forever happens to be true
But a monument in their honour one can say is overdue.

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