Wednesday, November 27, 2019

For Some There Will Not Be

For some there will not be a tomorrow for them this will be their last day
This is how it is and it always will be for life it does work in this way
Since us humans like all living creatures are born to eventually die
Those who believe in immortality for homo sapiens are those who believe their own lie
The egotistical in their sense of self importance of their worth are never in doubt
Never seem to realize they too will die and they too will be done without
An over pumped ego can be soul destroying as it takes one from reality
Death is for the wealthy and famous as well as those in poverty
Some of those who believe they are superior to most others may eventually come to realize
That themselves they had been over rating this is if time makes them wise
Yet some never seem to grow wiser like all they only do grow old
Age is not a guarantee for wisdom by sages you would have heard told
In cemeteries there are many who thought they were inexpendable but their gift of life from them has gone
They over rated their own importance for the World without them goes on.

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