Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jenny White's Ducks

This is indeed a true story as it was told to me by Ross
About Jenny White a kind and caring person one who lives at Southern Cross
Near the Town of Koroit by the Warrnambool - Penshurst roadway
Always with a lot of traffic on it morning, evening, night and day

Jenny ducks from their yard had ventured one might say that bit too far
Out on to the busy roadway and were hit by a motor car
Some of them with fractured legs could barely waddle around the yard
Just to see poor creatures suffer on those of compassion rather hard

Jenny who loves animals and birds at the sight of her injured ducks distressed
For to help them in their suffering she did vow to do her best
But Jenny quite a clever person a great plan she did invent
Decided she could get them walking if on their fractured legs she used a splint

This indeed is a true story though a non believer well may smile
Jenny had her ducks back walking though with a wobble for awhile
With every day they keep improving though not the ducks they used to be
They are quite lucky to be living with this would you not agree?

Hope the ducks have learned their lesson and in future off of the road will stay
They can thank their owner Jenny that they are alive today
Once again in this true story it has been proven where there is a will there is a way
And miracles are known to happen despite what the cynical may say.

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