Friday, November 1, 2019

The Members Of The Admirers Club

If you wish to meet members of the admirers club
You do not need to go further than your local pub
Where of those they admire they leave none in doubt
They have their heroines and heroes for to talk about

But none they admire do know of poverty
Those they look up to of  any monetary worries are free
The members of the admirers club big egos help to create
But it is only the wealthy and famous to they can relate

The members of the admirers club need their few to admire
And of singing the praises of their favorite people they never seem to tire
Yet those they admire live far from their street
They are people they have never spoken to or never may meet

For the egotistical and wealthy minority who wallow in their fame
The members of the admirers club are partly to blame
Since it is only the praises of the wealthy and famous of they wish to sing
And too much praise for the ego is not a good thing

For to meet meet members of the admirers club you need not travel far
There are plenty of them in your local public bar
But their heroines and heroes are not the poor of the town
The people who are strangers to wealth and renown.

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