Tuesday, November 19, 2019

He Is His Own Man

At the pub sing along he is not there to sing
Or he does not watch talk of or play football he does his own thing
To most who know or know of him he is as boring as can be
But at least of their sort of tribalism he is one who is free

Since of their sort of company he can live without
Of his worth as a person they do cast some doubt
The truth in each to their own it's own self does explain
Aloof from them and their interests he will always remain

Birds by their appearance or chirp or song
Are things he knows of and seldom get wrong
His love of Mother Earth does remain ever strong
To the tribe who loves Nature he is one who belong

On natural science he does not have degrees
But he knows so much about animals, plants and trees
His great love of Nature as he age has grown
And of the Natural World he realizes so much remain as unknown

He is never seen drinking at the local pub
Or socializing with the sporting tribes at the town's sporting club
The praises of the wealthy and famous he never does sing
For he is his own man and he does his own thing.

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