Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nationalists And Patriots

To some nationalists and patriots there is an ugly side
Those who oppose war by them are villified
On all who march for peace they wish on ill will
Yet Moses fifth commandment states thou shalt not kill
Of their patriotism in public they openly brag
And their love of country they wave in their country's flag
To be racist and xenophobic with some of them seems okay
They believe on who comes to live in their country they should have the say
To those who are different in their political views to them patriots in their verbal rants find an anger realease
And sadly there is never a memorial for those who march for peace
With some patriots and nationalists it is never each to their own
Of their dislike of those who to them are different in public they make known
They have rather narcissistic views on their love of homeland
But then that ignorance can be bliss is not hard to understand.

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