Monday, July 6, 2020

How Great It Would Be

If of racism. narcissism and xenophobia humanity was free
How marvellous to live in such a World would be
In a World where might is based on military power
These are just like three species of weeds of the garden that stifle every flower

A World without war would be great to live in
For harmony and peace among people it would be a huge win
Of leaders who wage war for power over others of the Human World is not in need
Their machevillian behaviuor has it's source in personal greed

How great it would be to live in a World without poverty
That does have strong links to human inequality
The side effects of class distinction found in the social divide
That remain as prevalent in Countries Worldwide

How great it would be a Human World without the need for material success
That leads to our desire others for to impress
But human spirituality cannot thrive only true for to say
In a Human World where so many for material success compete with each other every day

For a better World to live in with improvement in self we begin
We can become the instigators of a better World for all to live in 
For love and tolerance, compassion and kindness have their sources in respect
And when practiced  by many can have a ripple effect.

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