Thursday, July 2, 2020

Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos

These big dark brown parrots of humans quite shy
Do call out 'wee yu' as in small flocks they fly
Though some do refer to them as the weerloos 
They are better known as yellow tailed black cockatoos

In a cavity in a tall old tree from view well hidden away
Generally one large white egg the female bird lay
Their low breeding rate the reason their numbers by the years do not multiply
That Nature works in it's own way one cannot deny

Yellow tailed black cockatoos have a healthy appetite
Dark seeds from pine cones and seeds frome hakea nuts are in their diet
As well as grubs they find under bark of older tree
Which to their taste buds is a delicacy

With yellow on either cheek and some yellow on tail but mostly mottled dark brown
They are sometimes seen in the park of a country town
From other cockatoos in voice and appearance different with ways of their own
To birds watchers and bird fanciers they are well known

They never flock with other species among their own kind they stay
Birds i see often though not every day
These big dark brown parrots of human kind shy
Wee yu wee yu they call out as they fly.

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