Wednesday, July 15, 2020

You Only Can Be

You only can be the best that you can be
And remain honest in your dealings and treat others respectfully
And always give everyone the respect they are due
And to your higher self try to remain as true
And try not to be judgmental as some people are
And though on the ladder of material success you may not have climbed far
The good things for others in your day to day life you do
Than the good you do for yourself says more of you
Since those who only seek their own gain in a selfish way
Are further from their higher selves than those who perform good deeds every day
You are not being the best you can be though you are a multi millionaire
If only with your family and close friend some of your financial gains you do share
And though on the material ladder of success you may have climbed far
This does not tell us of the sort of person that you really are.

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