Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Bellowing Bull

Last night the bull in the paddock nearby for a few hours kept me awake
He kept bellowing on until the grey of daybreak
And since to bellow at he does not have a neighbour bull
Perhaps the reason for his bellowing is that the moon it was full
If the moon effects some people then it must affect animals in some sort of a way
Since i never do hear him bellowing by day
But for keeping me awake for a few hours last night him i do not blame
Since most animals in their behaviour feel no sense of shame
If your neighbours are playing loud music about it to them you can complain
But complaining to a bull any satisfaction from him you will not gain
Today he is quite with his cows chewing his cud he does lay
I never do hear him bellow by day
Perhaps the moon does affect him in some sort of a way
As he bellowed all night until the break of day.

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