Thursday, July 9, 2020

Quite A Lot To Admire

He is not one who does have uni degrees
And he is not one any time he cough or sneeze
To seem embarrassed and say pardon me
Not refined in his ways is how he seems to be

He is not a member of any community or social club
And he drinks on his own in the local pub
And since he is not tribal on any way at all
He never talks sports or politics or football

Not well known or popular on his side of the town
But of those in need of helping he never turns down
For his every good deed he never seeks any money or praise
Some times those passed off as ordinary can truly amaze

The judgmental who dismiss him as a loser to his goodness seem blind
Than they are he is less judgmental and far more compassionate and kind
As every day he does sow Karma's good seed
He never shuns anyone of his help in need

Not into socializing or politics or sport
He works hard for his pay his wife and children to support
To be part of a tribe he does not feel any desire
Yet in him there is quite a lot to admire.

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